
After 32 years of designing, Pamela and Nancy, have decided that the time has come to retire.
We have stitched many of their designs, and all of the yearly Santas, over the years; loving their design style.
We anxiously awaited the new releases every year. We will miss them.The patterns listed below are those we still have in stock.

Winter and Christmas | Yearly Santas | Halloween | Spring

Country Seasons $20.95

A Merry Mini Surprise $19.95

Prairie Birds $21.95

Prairie Seasons $19.95

Wedding & Birth Samplers III $14.95
2 Remaining

Winter and Christmas

Christmas Samplers (reprint)  $19.95

Santas & Snowmen (Reprinted) $20.95

December $19.95

99-1960 Christmas Trees (Reprint) $19.95

Christmas Eve $19.95

Old World Santas $20.95

Old World Santas II $20.95

Prairie Lodge $19.95

Christmas Alphabet $20.95

Happy Christmas $20.95
(newly reprinted)

St. Nicholas II $20.95

Nutcrackers $20.95

12 Days of Christmas $20.95
(reprint by Hoffmandis)

Christmas Alphabet $19.95

O' Christmas Tree $12.95

Evergreen $19.95

Snowy Nights $13.95

Yearly Santas

2024 Santa $9.95

2023 Santa $9.95

Santas Revisited II (1984, 1989, 1991) $20.95

Santa's Revisited XI (2009, 2011, & 2016) $20.95

Santas Revisited III (1987, 1993, 1996) $20.95

Santas Revisited IV (1986, 1988, 1992) $20.95

Santas Revisited V (1900, 2000, 2015) $20.95

Santas Revisited X (2007, 2010, 2017) $20.95

Santas Revisited IX (2001,2006, 2008) $20.95

Santas Revisited VIII (1997, 1998, 2013) $20.95

2020 Santa $9.95

2021 Santa $9.95

2022 Santa $9.95

2016 Santa $9.95

2018 Santa $9.95

2019 Santa $9.95

2011 Santa $9.95

2012 Santa $9.95

2013 Santa $9.95

1998 Santa $9.95

2000 Santa $9.95

2009 Santa $9.95


When Witches Go Riding $19.95

Night Flight $7.95

Autumn Leaves $19.95

Whoo's There $7.95

Knock Knock $7.95

Miss Fortune $7.95

Pumpkin Patch $19.95

96-878 Pumpkins (Reprint) $19.95

Boo to you $14.95

Witching Hour $14.95

Hocus Pocus $19.95

Spring Designs

Bunnies $20.95

Just Hatched $13.95

Spring Miniatures $8.95

Folk Eggs $16.95

Signs of Spring $12.95

Bunnies & Chicks $14.95


Copyright © Gitta's Charted Petit Point